Ana Hul was drawn to Woofie’s franchising from her experience as a longtime client of the original Ashburn location for close to eight years. She noticed the professionalism was the best in the industry and wanted to be apart as a way to model what hard work and following your passion looks like for her children. Her other inspiration came in the form of her fur baby, Pepper, who stars on her first mobile pet spa van. Ana was the one of the first franchisees to launch after the Authority Brands acquisition last year, and she has continued to excel in month-over-month growth that has led to her adding a second mobile pet spa van to her fleet this summer. 
One of her favorite things about being a Woofie’s franchisee is waking up each morning knowing she loves the work she gets to do. “I love that I get the opportunity to contribute to the health and well-being of my furry clients and their families, while also living out my dream of owning my own business. I love working with like-minded, passionate pet people! I love working with the Woofie's team! They provide years of experience, a wealth of knowledge, and continued guidance and support that sets each franchise owner up for success!”
Ana attributes her success to continuously learning and not being afraid to ask questions. ”I want to know and be involved with every aspect of the business. I don't spin my wheels trying to reinvent the wheel. I build upon the solid structure already in front of me. I am always problem-solving. I am constantly looking for ways to improve, streamline and scale.”
Besides the usual employee benefits such as bonuses, team lunches, gift cards, and reimbursements, Ana encourages her staff with real-time feedback, both positive and constructive, and delivers it in an empathetic way that will be effectively received by each team member.
“I find ways to turn situations into learning moments,” Ana said. “I communicate, encourage, and assist with continuing education. I foster open communication and feedback, both to and from my team. I ask for feedback about myself and what I can do better. I ask my team for feedback on their roles, how it's going, what can I do to help them succeed and make their jobs better.” She also discusses their career goals and finds ways to help them work towards those goals while also working towards the collective business goals.
One of the accomplishments that makes Ana most proud is that her team has openly said unsolicited that they enjoy working with her, appreciate her as a boss and that they love being a part of the Woofie’s family. In terms of her future goals, Ana will continue to work on increasing the awareness and value of the Woofie’s brand to make it a household name in her territory.
The advice she would give to a fellow Woofie’s franchise owner is to “be kind, know your vision, and create opportunities”. She also advises to learn from fellow franchisees that have gone before you and learn from them, and also to pay attention to what your clients need. “Always be thinking long-term. Hustle and network, and never be complacent!”
We are so glad to have you as part of the Woofie’s pack, Ana! Thanks for being a forerunner in our brand to help inspire others to reach their highest paw-tential!